Our company name MASAECO is originated from a combination of a Tagalog word “MASA” which means “mass” in English and “Eco” coming from Ecology.
Our goal is to introduce our eco-friendly products and spread the idea of sustainability as globally as possible to provide safe & Prosperous lives in Modern Life Living.
MASAECO Products are created by highly skilled paper- artisans in the Philippines. We adapted over thousand years old tradition of Washi Japanese handmade paper techniques and further developed our original techniques.
Every piece is a very unique personal product that would bring your home the warmth of Nature and Human touch.

MASAECO Products are created by highly skilled paper- artisans in the Philippines. We adapted over thousand years old tradition of Washi Japanese handmade paper techniques and further developed our original techniques.
Every piece is a very unique personal product that would bring your home the warmth of Nature and Human touch.
Our product line includes wall paper, Decorative Tapestry, Wall art, Lighting and much more.
Each product can be customized in color, size and design based on our customer’s needs.

Our products are creation of natural and up-cycled materials such as Carton scraps, old newspaper and Agricultural waste giving a second life to the discarded waste materials.